Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sunday, March 22nd - Sunday school

Miracles of Jesus - Why Did Jesus Wait Before He Helped Lazarus?

Parents: Adults find it difficult to wait, so that challenge increases for a child. This lesson teaches children one reason the Lord may choose for them to wait and helps them grasp His love for them in the process.

Scripture: John 11:1-45


Bible Reading: Read John 11:1-45. You can reinforce the lesson by asking questions during your reading. Who did Mary and Martha ask to help their brother? Jesus. Did Jesus come as soon as He heard the Lazarus was sick? No. What same words did Martha and Mary say to Jesus? "If you had been here, my brother would not have died." How did Jesus respond to Mary's crying? He cried.

Tell your children: "If we are honest, we all would be upset that Jesus didn't come right away and allowed our brother to die, but why do you think Jesus cried when He knew He was going to raise Lazarus?" (Help your children understand that Jesus cares when we feel abandoned by Him in our time of need and don't understand what He is going to do to help us.)

Agree OR Disagree Activity: Give a list of possible lessons and ask your children to say "AMEN" if it was a part of today's story.
1. Jesus healed those who are blind and deaf.  (TRUE - but not part of this story.)
2. Jesus healed someone from far away. (TRUE - but not part of this story.)
3. Jesus delayed helping someone He loved. (AMEN)
4. Jesus raised someone from the dead. (AMEN)
5. Jesus calmed the storm. (TRUE - but not part of this story.)
6. Jesus cried. (AMEN)

Dear God,
Help us to always TRUST you. When things in our lives are difficult, help us to remember you will take care of us. We love you God!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! love vera 🌈❤️😇
