Tuesday, March 24, 2020

10 Minute Family Devotional - Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus - Family Devotional 

Do you know who Jesus is? 
You've probably heard of him, maybe at church or in the Bible. It's easy to think that he's just some character in a story from the Bible but Jesus really lived on earth like us. You know all those feelings, questions, concerns, sadness and misunderstandings you've had in your life? He had them too! Jesus was a human, but get this - He was also God! He came to Earth, so He knows just how hard some days can be.

Question Time! Everyone present can chime in!
What does it feel like to be you today?
What was something hard that happened this week? 
What was something fun that happened?

Guess what! Jesus probably has those kinds of feelings, too.
The Bible is a great place to read more about Jesus' life. The Bible is a home for all the little stories, letters, and histories that helped shape this BIG story of God's love. One of Jesus' good friends, John, actually wrote some stories about his life that you can find in the Bible. John was a good friend to Jesus. John wrote about Jesus not just as a character, but as a real human - just like you!

Bible Time! Everyone get out your Bible!
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only son, who came from the Father, full in grace and truth." John 1:14

That's right. "The Word" is just another name for Jesus. So, if you're keeping track, you can call Him Jesus, Friend or The Word. But, let's just stick with Jesus or Friend for now.
Why? Because He came to earth to dwell among humans to reveal a new way to live, God's way! His way is shown with grace and truth. 

Next Steps!
Take comfort in knowing you are not along in your feelings. Jesus is always with you! He knows exactly how you feel. 

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